Friday, November 12, 2010

The Bug: Design Withstanding the Ages

The Volkswagen Beetle was originally developed in Germany when Adolf Hitler gave the order to Ferdinand Porsche to create quite literally a people's car. The car was meant to hold two adults and three children and was available to the citizens of the Third Reich at a decent price. This car has lasted for almost one hundred years and has remained popular and iconic throughout the century.

The Volkswagen was nicknamed the "Beetle" in Germany, and the name stuck with it as sales hit America. The Beetle has been mostly unchanged from the original design plans from 1938. The engine was located in the rear and was four cylinders, the car featured rear wheel drive and had only two doors. The current Beetles have changed some of these features, but the outside of the car looks mostly the same. Beetles have become trendy cars that assume bright colors, whereas before they were mostly just primer colors grey and white. The curves of the vehicle and the body shape looks quite similar up until now.

The Volkswagen company is testing out a brand new model of the Beetle. This model no longer accentuates the curves that we are so used to in the Beetle. The roof is less curved and more boxy. It no longer looks like a car that is worried about their own unique design, but more of a car that will blend in with all the rest. This new version of the Beetle looks more like a PT Cruiser, which in my opinion is the worst looking car, than I would have ever liked. The Beetle needs to worry less about changing the form of the car, rather they should look into creating a safer car that is more reliable. The look of the Beetle has worked for decades, changing it now will not be to their benefit. Why fix something that isn't broken?  

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