Our planet can not live forever. Every single person living on this world leaves behind a carbon footprint. Our carbon footprint let's us know the impact we have on our planet because of our daily habits. Driving everyday to work or school, not recycling, leaving electronics running all the time are all examples of habits that do damage to our planet in the long run. Lowering our carbon emissions will enable the inhabitants of our planet to live a long, healthy existence. Cutting down on our bad habits will ensure us an environment that will live right along with us.
A great way to cut down our electricity consumption is through solar panels. Solar energy has been around since the 1970's but in order to use this new technology you needed panels that were huge and unsightly. Placing these panels on houses and buildings was a large hassle that was extremely expensive and was not very aesthetically appealing.
The solar panel design has recently become more attainable and more engaging to earth conscious people. A solar powered shingle has been created to fit seamlessly onto a roof. This technology that has been produced to help lower our footprint has become a unique design tool. The shingles are a genius way to create interest in the solar technology. People no longer have to worry about an eyesore situated on their roof. The shingles produce enough energy to power your whole house. On a sunny day the shingles could produce more than your consumption and actually cause your electric meters to count backwards. Some states will even buy unused electricity that has been produced by the shingles. Solar energy is the way of the future!
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